Hilber Psychological Services

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Simple Ways to Reduce Stress

One way to obtain better balance in your life is to lower stress in your day. Effects of too much stress or chronic stress can exacerbate current problems or create more problems in life. Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce stress to prevent problems caused by stress. This is a list of simple steps that may help you reduce your stress.

  1. Stay organized. Routines, schedules, to do lists, and charts can help you stay organized.
  2. Plan ahead. Part of being organized is planning the next day or week and sticking to the routine or plan.
  3. Slow down. Even though we have many activities to do each day, making extra 5-10 minutes to begin or transition between activities can reduce the need to rush.
  4. Exercise. Plan in exercising in your week; You can even schedule your exercise with your kids, partner, or friends.
  5. Eat healthy. Eating healthy can help you problem solve for issues that come up throughout the week.
  6. Give yourself a break. Remember you are human and are doing what you can, when you can. It will still be there for next time. Remember to take a breath and tell yourself you're doing a good job!

What have you done to reduce your stress?